Monday, July 25, 2011

So it's come to this...

I currently have a week left in Korea. Seven days. 160 hours. 9600 minutes. It's nothing, especially considering I have spent the last year of my life here!

Korea and I have been very much in love and it will be hard to let go. We began with a lofty summer romance when I was swept off my feet, the magical crisp autumn where we were still so very much in love. Then came the brutal winter where Korea was either cruel and malicious or cold and unresponsive. It was a hard time for both of us. But the beautiful springtime brought cherry blossoms which exploded from the tree branches and we learned to overcome our differences and truly work together.

A year may not seem like much, and I suppose it isn't. A blink of an eye in the scheme of things. However. Currently to my set of eyes it seems like a very long amount of time. Having been here a year means that 4.5% of my current life has been spent in Korea. Before I came to Korea I had never lived more than an hour from my hometown. Just a small town girl living in a lonely world. I was looking for adventure and I found it. Taking the leap to live in Korea has been the boldest decision of my life.

My mind's a-jumble at the moment. I can think of so many wonderful times I've had living in Korea and I'm getting a little verklempt!

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